CodeSpace learn to code for free. Women on laptop coding.How you can learn to code for free

Whether you are a student interested in the tech industry, an employee wanting to up-skill,  or someone looking to change your career, learning to code could be just what you need to get a head start.

If you’ve heard someone say, “You can learn to code for free using online resources” and are wondering how to do that, this article will break things down and help you make the most of free resources.

The first question to ask yourself is what your goals are when learning to code.

If you are learning to code for fun or interest’s sake, you should choose something that captures your interest and presents content in a way that you enjoy.

We have compiled lists of our favourite websites and apps that you can explore.

The best free coding websites for beginners

These are some free websites that introduce you to coding in a fun way:

  • is filled with really fun introductory projects to give you an idea of what coding can do.
  • Khan Academy teaches you coding concepts simply, provides step-by-step challenges to solidify those concepts, and allows you to do a project where you can use your new skills. 
  • Codecademy is a fantastic interactive platform that helps you learn up to 12 different programming languages. 
 Women coding at desk on CodeSpace website

The best coding apps for beginners

We’ve put together a list of the best iOS and Android apps you can download to start exploring coding:

Can I use free online resources to become a developer?

If your goal is to land a job as a developer you should focus on these five things:

  • Understand the various specialisations you can take as a developer, and plan what you need to learn.We love these free, open source roadmaps: How to become a Frontend Developer and How to become a Backend Developer.
  • Develop a solid foundational understanding of a major coding language. As a developer, you will need to know more than one language, but you should aim to have a deep understanding of at least one.We encourage all our students to make use of freeCodeCamp which is a great free learning resource.
  • Understand object-oriented programming (OOPs). You can then learn other paradigms such as functional programming, procedural programming, etc. As a developer, you should know at least one of these paradigms. The more paradigms you know, the broader choices you’ll have for creating efficient and flexible code.
  • Learn to use reference materials well. Developers are expected to learn new things all the time, so you should learn to be comfortable using resources such as:
    • MDN Web Docs — a learning resource for developers, created by developers. They provide articles that teach complete beginners what they need to know to start coding their own websites. 
    • Stack Overflow — a Q&A website where developers of all levels can gain and share coding knowledge. If you’re stuck while teaching yourself to code, you can hop onto their forum and find answers to your coding conundrums.
  • Create a portfolio of well-documented code projects on GitHub. GitHub is the best place to share your projects with other coders and prospective employers. Adding a README file to your project is essential so others can understand your code and the reasoning behind it.You can also use Github to learn how to code better by updating open-source projects. To do this, clone an existing project, fix the bugs you find, and update and upgrade it where you see fit. Remember to read through the documentation, clean it up and add examples as you go along.
 Desk with iMac computer, notebook and a coffee. Learn coding for free online.

Paid vs. Free coding courses: the pros and cons

Doing the above steps alone can be tricky.

At CodeSpace, our code coaches support you through each step and help make a process that’s difficult to achieve on your own much simpler.

This kind of supported learning environment will fast-track your goal of landing an entry-level job as a developer. Once you land the job, you can grow and refine your coding skills by learning from your team and working on real-life projects.

It is worth considering that the time you save could ultimately be worth the money you invest in it.

If you’d like to invest in a paid course, take a look at CodeSpace’s courses.

Benefits of doing an instructor-led course:

  • It gives you a curated learning pathway, so you learn what’s most important.
  • You receive personal support and feedback.
  • There is accountability to help you stay on track and complete the course.
  • You can build a network of people to start your professional career alongside.

All of this means that your path to becoming a developer will be as quick and efficient as possible.

Reasons you may not need an instructor-led course:

  • You have a clear idea of the learning path you want to take. 
  • You have someone reliable who can review your code and give feedback on how to improve it. 
  • You have the self-discipline to stay on track.
  • You already have a strong professional network of other developers. 

Based on this you can decide which option will work best for you.

Funding and Sponsorship options

If you are interested in learning to code using a paid course but don’t have the funds to pay for it, don’t worry,
CodeSpace has several financing options.

CodeSpace offers sponsored scholarships and chooses recipients based on:

  • Merit
  • Underrepresented demographics in the tech industry.

Another option is to
get a study loan, where you can pay off your course fees in manageable instalments.

Give coding a try

Learning to code doesn’t need to be expensive. In fact, you can start learning for free online or by doing an affordable short course or bootcamp. Whether you decide to do a paid or a free coding course, remember that if you put in the time, dedication, and lots of practice, you can become an exceptional developer.

Keen to begin your coding journey? Give a CodeSpace course a try.